Saturday, October 31


ive spent the last month or so looking into various options for teacher training study after the degree, which i want to do at secondary level. unfortunately the bursary for art & design has been lowered from £6000 to £4000, which means it's not as in demand, and in turn will most probably be more competitive.

the two options i have are a post graduate certificate in education (PGCE) or school centered initial teacher training (SCITT). the SCITT programme sounds more hands on and classroom based which i find appealing - however there are only 3 art & design SCITT courses in the country. the PGCE courses aren't as practically driven, but there are around 20 different institutions that offer then in art & design.

PRACTICALITY- living costs a determining factor. as there is no-where in leeds that offers pgce's in art & design i will have to move elsewhere next year. i've narrowed my options down to 2:


- i could move back home and commute - boring but cheap.

- i was offered the chance to do my placement at my old school in rugby which i would definitely accept - depending on whether they allocate your placement or not at birmingham. aside to this is that it's a very good school, and unique in the fact that a) it has specialist status in teaching and learning, and b) an art foundation.


- move down to brighton with housemates who are looking to start up a printing company.

- as nick's parents want to invest in a property down there, hopefully rent should be a little less than it is here.